Remuna is an award-winning photographer, filmmaker, and passionate conservationist. Her underwater work captures the extraordinary diversity of life beneath the surface, highlighting both the beauty and fragility of marine ecosystems and species, with a special focus on sharks. Through her lens, Remuna strives to deepen our connection to nature and raise awareness of critical conservation issues, aiming to inspire a greater appreciation and collective action to protect our planet’s most vital ecosystems.
Remuna is honored to have received over 100 International photography awards and recognitions, including Underwater Photographer of the Year, Ocean Photographer of the Year, Ocean Geographic, and Siena Awards. Her work has been featured in exhibitions around the world and is currently on display at the Australian National Maritime Museum in Sydney, with upcoming exhibitions in Italy, Cape Town, and other locations to be announced.
Originally from Southern California, Remuna is now based in South Florida with her husband Michael and their two rescue dogs, Luna and Chandra.
South Florida Underwater Photography Society (SFUPS)
Photographer of the Year Winner
Masters Winner x 8
Challengers Winner x 6
1839 Awards
Photographer of the Year / Underwater Winner
Underwater Silver Winner
Underwater Bronze Winner
Underwater Awarded Honorable Mention
Minimalism Awarded Honorable Mention
Chromatic Awards
Fine Art Second Place Winner
Wildlife and Animals Awarded Honorable Mention x 3
Monochrome Awards
Wildlife Awarded Honorable Mention x 3
Fine Art Awarded Honorable Mention x 2
World Shootout Underwater Grand Prix (Winners TBA)
Best Picture of 2024 Semi-Finalist
Best 5 Images Semi-Finalist
Environmental Semi-Finalist
Closeup Photographer of the Year 6 (Winners TBA)
Underwater Shortlist
World Photography Awards (WPE)
Expert of WPE Awards
Professional Wildlife First Place Winner (First Half)
Professional Wildlife First Place Winner (Second Half)
Professional Wildlife Gold Winner x 2
Professional Wildlife Silver Winner x 10
Budapest International Foto Awards
Nature Underwater Silver Winner
Nature Awarded Honorable Mention
ND Awards
Underwater Awarded Honorable Mention x 4
1839 Awards Photographer of the Year (Winners TBA)
Underwater Nominee x 4
Minimalism Nominee
Black and White Spider Awards
Wildlife Nominee x 3
Fine Art Nominee
Scuba Diving Magazine Through Your Lens
Big Animals Third Place Winner
International Photography Awards (IPA)
Nature / Underwater Awarded Honorable Mention x 2
Prix de la Photographie Paris (PX3)
Nature / Underwater Gold Winner
Nature / Underwater Bronze Winner (Series)
Ocean Photographer of the Year (OPY)
Conservation (HOPE) Finalist
MonoVisions Photography Awards
Professional Fine Art Second Place Winner
Black and White Photo Awards
Fauna and Flora Silver Winner
Siena Creative Photo Awards
Animals Awarded Highly Commended
HeadOn Photo Awards
Exposure Semi-Finalist
Minimalist Photography Awards
Fine Art Awarded Honorable Mention
Landscape Awarded Honorable Mention
One Eyeland Awards
Nature - Underwater Bronze Winner x 2
Nature - Underwater Finaliste
1839 Color Awards
Professional Animals Awarded Honorable Mention
Professional Animals Nominee x 5
Professional Nature Nominee
Exposure One Awards
Professional Wildlife Bronze Winner
Professional Minimalism Bronze Winner
Professional Fine Art Awarded Honorable Mention
Big Picture Natural World Photography
Aquatic Life Finals
Ocean Geographic Pictures of the Year (OGPICOTY)
The Stephen Frink Award of Excellence / Humans & Ocean Awarded Honorable Mention
The Valerie Taylor Award of Excellence / Colour Print Awarded Honorable Mention
The Ernie Brooks II Award of Excellence / Black & White Print Finalist x 2
The Dr. Carden Wallace Award of Excellence / Coral Reefs of the World Finalist
The Brian Skerry Award of Excellence / Open Water Finalist
reFocus Awards
Color Professional Underwater Silver Winner
Color Professional Underwater Awarded Honorable Mention x 2
Color Professional Underwater Nominee x 2
Photographer of the Year Underwater Awarded Honorable Mention x 5
Photographer of the Year Minimalism Nominee
International Color Awards
Wildlife Awarded Honorable Mention
Wildlife Nominee x 2
Fine Art Photo Awards (FAPA)
Professional Fine Art Awarded Honorable Mention
Professional Wildlife Awarded Honorable Mention
The Photo Week Awards
Wildlife Awarded Honorable Mention
Siena International Photo Awards
Underwater Life Finalist x 3
Underwater Photographer of the Year (UPY)
Marelux Wide Angle Runner Up/Second Place Winner
Monochrome Awards
Professional Fine Art Awarded Honorable Mention x 2
Professional Wildlife Awarded Honorable Mention
Ocean Photographer of The Year (OPY)
Ocean Wildlife Photographer of The Year Finalist
Ocean Conservation (Hope) Photographer of The Year Finalist
Female Fifty Fathoms Award Finalist
World Shootout Underwater Photo Grand Prix
Best Image of the Year 2023 Semi-Finalist
Best 5 Images Semi-Finalist
Chromatic Awards
Professional Wildlife and Animals Awarded Honorable Mention x 3
ND Awards
Professional Nature: Underwater Awarded Honorable Mention (Series)
Professional Nature: Underwater Awarded Honorable Mention (Single)
Close Up Photographer of the Year (CUPOTY)
Underwater Shortlist
Nature Conservancy
Underwater Finalist
Nature TTL Photographer of The Year
Underwater Finalist x 3
Ocean Geographic Pictures of the Year
The Emory Kristof Award of Excellence / Portraits Awarded Honorable Mention
The Valerie Taylor Award of Excellence / Colour Print Finalist x 2
The Dr. Gerry Allen Award of Excellence / Fish Behavior Finalist
Fine Art Photography Awards
Nature Professional Awarded Honorable Mention (Series)
Wildlife Photographer of The Year
Animal Portraits Finalist x 2
Underwater Photographer of the Year (UPY)
Marelux Wide Angle Finalist
Macro Finalist
South Florida Underwater Photography Society (SFUPS)
Photographer of the Year Third Place Winner
Masters Winner x 2
Challengers Winner x 6
World Shootout Underwater Photo Grand Prix
Sharks of the World Second Place Winner (Series)
Environment & Conservation Third Place Winner (Series)
Sharks of the World Semi-Finalist (Series)
Environmental & Conservation Semi-Finalist (Series)
Wide Angle Semi-Finalist x 3
Close Up Photographer of The Year (CUPOTY)
Underwater Top 10
Underwater Awarded Honorable Mention
Underwater Shortlist
Ocean Photographer of the Year (OPY)
Female Fifty Fathoms Award Finalist
Nature TTL Photographer of The Year
Underwater Finalist x 2
Animal Behavior Finalist
Wild Portraits Finalist
Small World Finalist
Ocean Geographic Pictures of the Year
The David Doubilet Award of Excellence / OG Master Portfolio Finalist
The Brian Skerry Award of Excellence / Open Water Finalist
South Florida Underwater Photography Society (SFUPS)
Photographer of The Year Third
Masters Winner x 3
Challengers Winner x 5
Big Picture Natural World Photography
Underwater Finalist
Close Up Photographer of The Year (CUPOTY)
Underwater Shortlist
Underwater Photographer of The Year (UPY)
Up & Coming Third Place Winner